1 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_001 |
Indian Paper Currency Recognition Framework for Blind and Visually Impaired People using Deep Learning Model Author(s): Anumol R. B, Anuja S. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/siuz3611/ngcesi23p1 |
1-15 |
2 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_002 |
Effectively Analysis and Predict Students Performance and Other Evaluation Author(s): Arya R. P, Anuja S. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gdhl6261/ngcesi23p2 |
16-27 |
3 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_003 |
A Study on Cockle Seashell and Silicafume in Concrete Author(s): Arya M. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lqia6252/ngcesi23p3 |
28-35 |
4 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_004 |
An Experimental Study of Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Incorporating Glass Powder and GGBS as Supplementary Cementitious Materials Author(s): Ashbin Jini V, Belfin Raj S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/giff6763/ngcesi23p4 |
36-42 |
5 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_005 |
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification in Cloud Computing Author(s): Bala Kumar R. S , Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ieko8866/ngcesi23p5 |
43-51 |
6 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_006 |
Finger Vein Detection Using Deep Learning Method: A Review Author(s): Balamurugan M , Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gnwp4476/ngcesi23p6 |
52-58 |
7 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_007 |
Experimental Analysis of Concrete Beams Reinforced With Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Rebars by ANSYS Author(s): Binsha P. S , Vinu M
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gkwm6644/ngcesi23p7 |
59-66 |
8 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_008 |
Charity System Based Using Blockchain Author(s): Anju J , Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/prey8262/ngcesi23p8 |
67-72 |
9 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_009 |
Effect of Coir Fibre, Fly Ash and Plastic Granules on the Static and Dynamic Response of Multi-Storied Buildings Author(s): Fathima Rasheed
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kwkb9368/ngcesi23p9 |
73-80 |
10 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_010 |
Skin Cancer Cell Detection Using Optimization Algorithms Author(s): Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gcjk8908/ngcesi23p10 |
81-86 |
11 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_011 |
Gradient Boosting and Naive Bayes Crop Yield Prediction and Fertilizer Recommendation Author(s): Surya R , Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/puyi9607/ngcesi23p11 |
87-98 |
12 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_012 |
Strength Characteristics of Concrete by Partially Replacing Cement with Silica Fumes and Tile Dust Author(s): Vidhya S. K.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qswf3816/ngcesi23p12 |
99-107 |
13 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_013 |
Food Classification Using Deep Learning Method: A Review Author(s): Vaishnavi S , Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lfwh5036/ngcesi23p13 |
108-114 |
14 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_014 |
Analysis of Soft Storey Buildings with Different Types of Steel Bracing Under Seismic Load Author(s): Govind A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/xjhm6056/ngcesi23p14 |
115-121 |
15 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_015 |
Denoising of Diabetic Retinopathy Images Using Adaptive Median Filter Author(s): Anuja S. B , Dr F Ramesh Dhanaseelan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gxpd6690/ngcesi23p15 |
122-131 |
16 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_016 |
Hybrid Deep Transfer Learning Framework for Stroke Risk Prediction Author(s): Reshma S. V, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/fpvt8168/ngcesi23p16 |
132-138 |
17 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_017 |
Efficient Unpredictable Multi Authority Attribute based Encryption Author(s): Rohini S, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ukgh4577/ngcesi23p17 |
139-148 |
18 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_018 |
Manufacturing of Hempcrete building block Author(s): Deethu Dinesh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zkuy9763/ngcesi23p18 |
149-163 |
19 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_019 |
A Fabric Defect Detection Method Based on Deep Learning Author(s): Dhaneesh J, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/wzim9218/ngcesi23p19 |
164-172 |
20 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_020 |
Strength Analysis of Layered Sandwich Beam Author(s): Dins K S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/cugn6440/ngcesi23p20 |
173-181 |
21 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_021 |
Detection Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep Learning Neural Network Author(s): Divya R, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zidj2950/ngcesi23p21 |
182-188 |
22 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_022 |
Life Strength Prediction of GFRP Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission Technique Author(s): D. F. Jingle Jabha, R. Joselin, R. S. Sarath Gokul, S. Japdrew
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/flzw2410/ngcesi23p22 |
189-192 |
23 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_023 |
Optimization of Split Volute in the Double Volute Mono Set System Using CFD Analysis Author(s): D.F. Jingle Jabha, R. Joselin, N.B. Nikhil
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zlfl9894/ngcesi23p23 |
193-201 |
24 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_024 |
MPPT of Solar Using Mid-Point Tracking Method Author(s): Abisha R, Merry Guisa J
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zejk7531/ngcesi23p24 |
202-207 |
25 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_025 |
IOT Incorporated With Smart Grid and Its Application in the Digital Transition Author(s): Aravind S. P, C. R. Rajesh, Christal Saji K, Herlin Rose A. P
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/hzkd3142/ngcesi23p25 |
208-213 |
26 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_026 |
Enhancing Data Security in Cloud Computing using Block chain Author(s): Divya S, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kjqt5979/ngcesi23p26 |
214-220 |
27 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_027 |
Prediction of Cancer Disease Using Machine Learning Approach: A Review Author(s): Abishek D, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/vnmj1833/ngcesi23p27 |
221-227 |
28 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_028 |
Shear Behaviour of RCC Beams Retrofitted with Ultra High Performance Concrete Author(s): Abhirami V
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/najb3829/ngcesi23p28 |
228-240 |
29 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_029 |
Instagram Fake and Automated Account Detection: A Review Author(s): Abilash S. B, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/dpaz6258/ngcesi23p29 |
241-246 |
30 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_030 |
Experimental Study on Concrete with Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Locally Available Soil and Coarse Aggregate with E-Waste Author(s): Abhila Raj P. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/nndm8611/ngcesi23p30 |
247-254 |
31 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_031 |
Kinship Measurement on Face Images by Structured Similarity Fusion Author(s): Akash R, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ijux3686/ngcesi23p31 |
255-270 |
32 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_032 |
Flextural Behaviour of Ferro Cement Slab by Using GGBS and Nano Silica by Using ANSYS Software Author(s): Aarthi N. R, P. M Eso Kumary Paul
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/poee6857/ngcesi23p32 |
271-277 |
33 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_033 |
Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques: A Review Author(s): Akila Rahini R, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ovng5951/ngcesi23p33 |
278-283 |
34 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_034 |
Load Distribution in Software Defined Networks for Enabling Big Data Tasks Scheduling Author(s): Anand M, Anuja S. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/jppl8547/ngcesi23p34 |
284-292 |
35 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_035 |
Dense Net Model Based Traffic Sign Board Recognition and Voice Alert System Author(s): Anuja P, Anuja S. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qroq2978/ngcesi23p35 |
293-300 |
36 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_036 |
Structural Performance and Strengthening of RCC Interior Joint with Variable Beam Depth Using Sikawrap Author(s): Anitta Jose
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/eswq7931/ngcesi23p36 |
301-307 |
37 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_037 |
Artificial Intelligence based Classification of Diseases for Rice Leaf Using CNN model Author(s): Dr. Misba M, Vivek A, Ratheesh R, Aslin C
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/xvtu7545/ngcesi23p37 |
308-316 |
38 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_038 |
Development of Counting Based Visual Question Answering System by Using Transformer and Pyramid Networks with Hybrid Deep Learning Model Author(s): S. Nigisha, K. Anugirba
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/fswn5535/ngcesi23p38 |
317-329 |
39 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_039 |
Highly Accurate Deep Learning PNN Classifier Based Skin Cancer and Depth Analysis Author(s): Janani M, Gershom King Rose J. k
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/iykv7105/ngcesi23p39 |
330-347 |
40 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_040 |
The Significance of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of multiple myeloma Author(s): Anisha S. S, Shajin Nargunam A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/yhif3128/ngcesi23p40 |
348-355 |
41 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_041 |
Smart Baby Cradle Monitoring System Using IoT Author(s): Berin M, Shobhana S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/icua3552/ngcesi23p41 |
356-361 |
42 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_042 |
Conversational General College Enquiry Intelligent ChatBot Author(s): Ms. M. Sowmiya, Dr. Shakeela Joy A, Mrs. Sahaya Jeniba .J
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/dmcx6920/ngcesi23p42 |
362-368 |
43 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_043 |
Machine Learning Based Realtime Water Quality Monitoring System Author(s): Nanda Jayalakshmi P, Revathy V
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tdpo3323/ngcesi23p43 |
369-374 |
44 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_044 |
Adoption of IoT technology in Maritime Sector Author(s): B. Mary Nathisiya, Dr. Radhakrishnan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ubdh6905/ngcesi23p44 |
375-381 |
45 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_045 |
A Deep Neural Network Based on Bayesian Optimizer for Electricity Theft Detection Author(s): Ashna S Kumar, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/umey6450/ngcesi23p45 |
382-399 |
46 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_046 |
Optimized Multi Support Vector Machine Based Approach for Fake News Detection Author(s): Ganga M, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/jaad9174/ngcesi23p46 |
400-414 |
47 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_047 |
Skin Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Classification Author(s): Vignesh Kumar S, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lpgc3588/ngcesi23p47 |
415-422 |
48 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_048 |
Endoscopic Ultrasound Image Recognition Using Improved You Only Look Once (Yolov4) Convolutional Neural Network Author(s): Akhila K. S, Anuja S. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/iuhj8423/ngcesi23p48 |
423-434 |
49 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_049 |
Structural Reliability Assessment of Bridges Author(s): M.V Ganga
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tnnw2034/ngcesi23p49 |
435-439 |
50 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_050 |
ANFIS Based Routing For the Efficient Transfer of Photovoltaic Parameters Author(s): Ramya R. R, J. Banumathi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ujkg9812/ngcesi23p50 |
440-447 |
51 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_051 |
Experimental Investigation on Corrosion Prevention in RCC by Enhancing the Durability Properties using Organic and Inorganic Additives Author(s): Jereesh R, S.Shijilin Prem Shirold
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/fkld8667/ngcesi23p51 |
448-454 |
52 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_052 |
Numerical Modelling and Design of Lipped Channel Beam Subjected to Web Crippling Author(s): Jestin John
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/iwbm6444/ngcesi23p52 |
455-463 |
53 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_053 |
Lung Infection Segmentation of COVID-19 in CT Images With Deep Convolutional Neural Network Author(s): Mr. Jijo G, Mrs. Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/uaqg3588/ngcesi23p53 |
464-473 |
54 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_054 |
Experimental and Analysis of Adding Silicon and Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles to the Cement PasteExperimental and Analysis of Adding Silicon and Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles to the Cement Paste Author(s): Jisa P. Reji, P. Sharmini
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/sgkg8201/ngcesi23p54 |
474-482 |
55 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_055 |
Using Hashing Algorithm for the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network Author(s): Siva Sankar V, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/slmx2075/ngcesi23p55 |
483-493 |
56 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_056 |
E-Commerce Application for Farm Fresh Trading Author(s): Kaviya V. G, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/raqq9272/ngcesi23p56 |
494-502 |
57 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_057 |
Strengthening of RC Beam Using Different Techniques Author(s): Keerthi Lekshmi M
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/rgyn2362/ngcesi23p57 |
503-510 |
58 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_058 |
Image Caption Generation: A Review Author(s): Lijo B Vijay , Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/juvz9207/ngcesi23p58 |
511-516 |
59 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_059 |
Mechanical Characterization of Bamboo Fiber over Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Author(s): N. shalom, Stanly Jones Retnam, J. Edwin Raja Dhas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/cpji4980/ngcesi23p59 |
517-522 |
60 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_060 |
Development and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Natural FRP Composites for Marine Applications Author(s): Ratheesh A. K , Stanly Jones Retnam, Udhayalakshmi L
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/naoa9991/ngcesi23p60 |
523-527 |
61 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_061 |
Building Design Techniques to Withstand Landslides Author(s): Pooja Raj R. M
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/nmur9181/ngcesi23p61 |
528-538 |
62 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_062 |
A Systematic Study for Reducing Manufacturing Failures through Industry 4.0 Author(s): Krishnamoorthy Selvaraj, Dr. Srinivasan Lakshmanan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/shlc9854/ngcesi23p62 |
539-550 |
63 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_063 |
Processing Of a Manufacturing Material Using Treated Bamboo Author(s): Nikhil R, Dr. John Iruthaya Raj
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/axwh3491/ngcesi23p63 |
551-573 |
64 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_064 |
Review on Spray Coating Techniques Author(s): K. R. Harish, Dr. M. Edwin Sahayaraj, Dr. B. Stanly Jones Retnam
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lurb3625/ngcesi23p64 |
574-579 |
65 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_066 |
Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Work: A Review Author(s): Newjin Bro P. J, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/rnow4757/ngcesi23p66 |
595-600 |
66 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_067 |
Experimental Investigation on Hempcrete Author(s): Nithya M. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lfrz9442/ngcesi23p67 |
601-606 |
67 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_068 |
Photochain: A Blockchain Based Secure Photo Sharing Framework for Cross-Social Network Author(s): Wilfred Wessely W, Sujitha R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/quqs5012/ngcesi23p68 |
607-615 |
68 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_069 |
IOT Based Secure Data Storage System Using Cryptographic Algorithm Author(s): Rathish, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/vdgo3829/ngcesi23p69 |
616-621 |
69 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_070 |
Real Time Face Recognition for Library Check in Check out System Using Deep Learning Author(s): Gisna G. D, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gljn2031/ngcesi23p70 |
622-628 |
70 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_071 |
Quality Data Sharing Platform for Aviation Suppliers Using Blockchain Process Author(s): Sanjai S. P, Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kxwg6053/ngcesi23p71 |
629-640 |
71 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_072 |
Utilization of Demolished Concrete Waste for New Construction Author(s): Remya suresh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ajgh4045/ngcesi23p72 |
641-652 |
72 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_074 |
Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection with Alert Sound Using Image Processing Author(s): Subisha K. B, Sukanya S. T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/inzr1388/ngcesi23p74 |
665-674 |
73 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_075 |
Sustainable Building Replacing Normal Construction Materials with Sustainable Materials Author(s): Suhana Navas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qvzv4524/ngcesi23p75 |
675-685 |
74 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_076 |
Optimized Combination of E-Commerce Platform Sales Model and Blockchain Anti-Counterfeit Traceability Service Author(s): Sujith M, Mrs. Gini R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zosi2719/ngcesi23p76 |
686-695 |
75 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_077 |
Flexural Strengthening Of Reinforced Cement Concrete Beam Using S-Glass Fibre Author(s): Akhil R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/squq7839/ngcesi23p77 |
696-705 |
76 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_078 |
Factors Affecting Human Resource Management of Major Construction Firms in Trivandrum Author(s): Annie C. A, Dr. T. R Sethuraman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gayw5759/ngcesi23p78 |
706-713 |
77 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_079 |
Analysis and Design of Column Piers of Non-Conventional Sections using MATLAB Author(s): Anto Robin C. R, Monisha V. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lncr2633/ngcesi23p79 |
714-719 |
78 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_080 |
Flexural Behaviour of RC Beam with Welded Mesh as Transverse Reinforcement Author(s): Gokul S. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/jmua7975/ngcesi23p80 |
720-727 |
79 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_081 |
Seismic Analysis of a Structure Considering Effect of Soil Structure Interaction Author(s): Jenifa J, H. Hanio merinkline
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/snir9508/ngcesi23p81 |
728-734 |
80 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_082 |
Analysis of Overturns in Real Estate Project Using Artificial Network Author(s): Kavya S Raj
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/adlw6471/ngcesi23p82 |
735-746 |
81 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_083 |
Study on Analysis of Risk in Construction Management Author(s): Megha P. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/nrou9704/ngcesi23p83 |
747-757 |
82 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_084 |
A Review on Solar Dehydration System with Energy Storing Material Author(s): A. R. Vhanmane, C. V. Papade
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/krow6590/ngcesi23p84 |
758-768 |
83 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_085 |
Statistical Analysis of Jobsite Safety Assessment in Construction Author(s): Nithin T. N
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/iywx3450/ngcesi23p85 |
769-782 |
84 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_086 |
Smart Village – A Digital Transformation of Modern Village Using ESP32 Microcontroller Author(s): C. Anna Palagan, B. M. Praveen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/arto9883/ngcesi23p86 |
783-795 |
85 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_087 |
Fruit Disease Detection Using Image Processing Author(s): P. Deepthi, M. Dhinakaran, R. Yoganapriya
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/bfbm3617/ngcesi23p87 |
796-806 |
86 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_088 |
An Efficient Technique for Fire Detection Using Deep Learning Algorithm Author(s): G. Brenda, R. E. Franklin Jino, Sherin Paul P
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/uaae7050/ngcesi23p88 |
807-815 |
87 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_089 |
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy by Using Convolutional Neural Network Author(s): Abisha J, Jeba P. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/mine9624/ngcesi23p89 |
816-821 |
88 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_090 |
Enhancing Fruit Disease Recognition Using Deep Learning Model Author(s): Jasmin S, Benschwartz R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ecfa6325/ngcesi23p90 |
822-827 |
89 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_091 |
Detection of Grape Leaf Diseases Using a Traditional Neural Network Author(s): Catherine Bimla J, Sindhuja S. N, Christina Jane .I
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/fnob9186/ngcesi23p91 |
828-833 |
90 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_092 |
Oceanic Turbulence and Beam Propagation Characteristics of Underwater Optical Wireless Communication: A Brief Survey Author(s): J. M. Aravind, Y. P. Arul Teen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tgts6433/ngcesi23p92 |
834-846 |
91 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_093 |
Deep Intrusion Detection for DOS and DDOS Attacks Using LSTM and Deep Autoencoder Neural Network Author(s): Sujini S. P, AnbuShamini G. N, Prija J. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qkfn6548/ngcesi23p93 |
847-851 |
92 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_094 |
Surveillance Video Summarization based on Target Object Detection Author(s): D. Minola Davids, C. Seldev Christopher, Dinesh B.G. Wilson
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/jist4192/ngcesi23p94 |
852-866 |
93 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_095 |
An Efficient of High-Speed and High precision Overlap-Free Karatsuba-Based Finite-Field Multiplier for FGPA Implementation Author(s): Arun Kumar R. E, S. Amutha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gjmb2606/ngcesi23p95 |
867-872 |
94 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_096 |
IoT Network Traffic Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms: An Experimental Analysis Author(s): Evelyn Lisa E, T. L. Ajeesha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ckcu5508/ngcesi23p96 |
873-879 |
95 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_097 |
AxPPA: Approximate Parallel Prefix Subtractor Author(s): Jithu M, Abisheka R. A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/vksd8481/ngcesi23p97 |
880-885 |
96 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_098 |
Hospital services Management system using Internet of Things (IoT) Techniques Author(s): S. Tamilmani, Reena Benjamin J, Shiji A S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gide2793/ngcesi23p98 |
886-892 |
97 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_099 |
IOT Integration in two-axis sun tracking system with LDR sensors in a Wheatstone bridge Circuit Author(s): Jaslin Sindhya D, R. M. Priyanka
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/pkqw9847/ngcesi23p99 |
893-899 |
98 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_100 |
Experimental Study on Concrete Structural Elements Using Calcined Clay and Basalt Aggregate Author(s): S. Sudhan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/wzui8410/ngcesi23p100 |
900-905 |
99 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_101 |
Experimental Study on Concrete Structural Elements Using Calcined Clay and Basalt aggregate Author(s): J. Arulbright
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/cfeo3898/ngcesi23p101 |
906-912 |
100 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_102 |
Investigation on the Impact of Thiourea on L-Proline Cadmium Chloride Single Crystal Author(s): Jaslin J Christopher, A. S. Jebamalar, J. Beena
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/nuuc4782/ngcesi23p102 |
913-919 |
101 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_103 |
Logistics Management in Construction Industry Author(s): Vaniraj Mitra L,T. R. Sethuraman , Sujithra G
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qcnf2922/ngcesi23p103 |
920-928 |
102 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_104 |
Assessment of Impact on Project Cost and Schedule Due to Material Mismanagement in Trivandrum Author(s): Thanvin Mohammed, Subitha Mary
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qvbw1742/ngcesi23p104 |
929-935 |
103 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_105 |
The Construction Agile Managements of Different Infrastructure Projects Author(s): B. Sreejith, V. Sreeja
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/wkyj3792/ngcesi23p105 |
936-944 |
104 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_106 |
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash and Coir Fibre Author(s): Rifas Mohammed
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qmig6347/ngcesi23p106 |
945-953 |
105 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_107 |
Study of Earthquake Loading On the Analysis of Cable Bridge Structure Using Staad Pro Author(s): T. Shibin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gwus7161/ngcesi23p107 |
954-961 |
106 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_108 |
Improving Labour Productivity in Construction Industries Author(s): Silpa S. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/flup8114/ngcesi23p108 |
962-975 |
107 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_109 |
Planning Analysis and Design of Multi Storied Building by Staad.Pro.v8i Author(s): Sunil S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/gsrv9532/ngcesi23p109 |
976-985 |
108 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_110 |
Fake Profiles Identification in Online Social Networks Using Random Forest Algorithm Author(s): Glancy Sherina M, Maria Jesi, M. D. Amala Dhaya
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/veto9409/ngcesi23p110 |
986-990 |
109 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_111 |
Vision Companion AI Mate Author(s): G. Marly, Aju S, S. Amu Daria
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/glap7498/ngcesi23p111 |
991-1005 |
110 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_112 |
Students Performance Prediction and Classification Using Ridge Regression Algorithm Author(s): Pooja. S. S, Gladrene Sheena Basil
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/wkay2529/ngcesi23p112 |
1006-1014 |
111 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_113 |
Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median Filters for Removing Gaussian Noise Author(s): Jeba Jenitha M, Kani Jesintha D, Mahalakshmi P
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ozsc7243/ngcesi23p113 |
1015-1021 |
112 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_114 |
Fine Time Measurement for the Internet of Things: A Practical Approach Using ESP32 Author(s): K.Gandhimathi, R. Jayapratha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/asvf2385/ngcesi23p114 |
1022-1027 |
113 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_115 |
Advanced and Secure Biometric Voting System Author(s): V. Subitha, M. Supriya, J. Sunanthini
1028-1035 |
114 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_116 |
Water Quality Monitoring and Alert System for Fish Farms using IoT and SMS Integration Author(s): Flowvy N, Mary Jeya Shiniha A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/aedr1527/ngcesi23p116 |
1036-1043 |
115 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_117 |
A High-Speed, Area-Efficient Transfer Method Using a Reverse Carry Propagate Adder Author(s): Muralikrishna V. S, M. Joselin Kavitha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ueyi4889/ngcesi23p117 |
1044-1053 |
116 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_118 |
Timing Error Tolerant Circuit Technique for Low-Power Control Using AHL and Razor Flip-Flop Author(s): Reena S, Nimmy Lazer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/delb7752/ngcesi23p118 |
1054-1063 |
117 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_119 |
Automated Tongue Diagnosis: A Deep Autoencoder Neural Network and Clustering-Based Image Segmentation Approach Author(s): Abisha L, K. Sindhu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/boae2576/ngcesi23p119 |
1064-1070 |
118 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_120 |
Experimental Investigation of Flexural Performance of Sandwiched Engineered Cementitious Composite Concrete Slab and Analysis using ANSYS Software Author(s): Hima S, P. M. Eso Kumary Paul
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kbae6095/ngcesi23p120 |
1071-1077 |
119 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_121 |
Vehicle Overload Detection System Using Pic Microcontroller Author(s): Sini S. L, Thenmozhy P, Abisha Jey J. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/sash1478/ngcesi23p121 |
1078-1082 |
120 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_122 |
High Speed Built in Self-Test via Pattern Generation Author(s): Riju S, Soni Meera G. V
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/lgqz5151/ngcesi23p122 |
1083-1088 |
121 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_123 |
Development of Emotion Detector Using Biometric Author(s): Shabin S. V, Reena Benjamin J, Juliet Rose D. B
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/nmli5686/ngcesi23p123 |
1089-1095 |
122 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_124 |
An Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer Based On Deep Learning Using Long Short-Term Memory Classifier Author(s): Siva Ganaga Selvi G, Vino Rooban Singh M. E
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/edue7227/ngcesi23p124 |
1096-1101 |
123 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_125 |
Delay and Sum Beam forming Technique to Detect the Arrival Estimation of Sound Waves Author(s): Naeema Nazar, Perumal Sankar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/mbbm1955/ngcesi23p125 |
1102-1111 |
124 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_126 |
A Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification Using FCNN Author(s): K. Abinaya, Merry Ida, Antony Mutharasan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/rejc9137/ngcesi23p126 |
1112-1124 |
125 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_127 |
Multi-Vendor System Author(s): V. Lijin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/vhch5667/ngcesi23p127 |
1125-1130 |
126 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_128 |
Intelligent Vehicle Alert System for Drowsy Drivers Using Vision Transformers Author(s): Gourikrishna J. S, Greeshma S. S, Devika Suresh S, Sruthy S. S
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/dfkt5469/ngcesi23p128 |
1131-1138 |
127 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_129 |
Charging Slot Prediction and Automation System for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Author(s): Y. Abi Tirshan, S. Ajaikrishnan, S. Suresh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/mbvg6410/ngcesi23p129 |
1139-1149 |
128 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_130 |
Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network Author(s): Elisa David, Roopa J. S, Nishaplin, Nandana
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/poda4062/ngcesi23p130 |
1150-1157 |
129 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_131 |
Experimental Investigation on Strength Conventional Bacteria Concrete Author(s): Ramesh R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tyny3884/ngcesi23p131 |
1158-1164 |
130 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_132 |
An Investigation on the Factors That Influence the Performance of Construction Projects Author(s): S. Padmasree, Niji T. N
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kzon5523/ngcesi23p132 |
1165-1170 |
131 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_133 |
Experimental Investigations on Modifie Fibre Reinforced Concrete Author(s): S. Nithiya Shoba
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/fgbv1348/ngcesi23p133 |
1171-1176 |
132 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_134 |
Assessment of Longshore Sediment Transport Using LITPACK Author(s): Athira C. A, Lekshmi Devi C. A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/sqzt6762/ngcesi23p134 |
1177-1186 |
133 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_135 |
Demolition of Buildings – An Overview Author(s): Ashok K Jacob
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ovfq9287/ngcesi23p135 |
1187-1195 |
134 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_136 |
Smart Street Light Monitoring System in Cloud Computing Author(s): M. Mukesh, B. M. Ajay, M. Arun Prakash
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ksuc3006/ngcesi23p136 |
1196-1205 |
135 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_137 |
Early Stage Diabetes Prediction of Patients in Big Data Healthcare Using Sophisticated Machine Learning Approach Author(s): Aswathy G Ashok
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/shxr1973/ngcesi23p137 |
1206-1211 |
136 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_138 |
Detection and Differentiation of blood cancer cells using Edge Detection method Author(s): Soumya T
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/zbua6077/ngcesi23p138 |
1212-1220 |
137 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_139 |
Accelerating innovation: the transformative impact of 5G Author(s): Laavanya M, Madhumitha S, Maheswari A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/klah6477/ngcesi23p139 |
1221-1229 |
138 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_140 |
Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Classifier Author(s): Tharun Kumar M. D, G. Soniya Priyatharsini, S. Geetha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ovzf8018/ngcesi23p140 |
1230-1243 |
139 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_141 |
Handover in 5G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Review Author(s): A.Maheswari, Golda Dilip
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/qljv2039/ngcesi23p141 |
1244-1261 |
140 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_142 |
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Enabled Disease Diagnosis Model for Smart Healthcare Systems Author(s): Sandhiyogha Lakshmi V, Nisha Evangelin L
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tasa9927/ngcesi23p142 |
1262-1268 |
141 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_143 |
A Study on Financial Performance Analysis with Reference to the Leela Palace, Chennai Author(s): Blesslin Shermi J. V, A. Robert Raja Singh, Manju C. R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/cubx6406/ngcesi23p143 |
1269-1277 |
142 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_144 |
A Study on Effectiveness of Motivational on Employee with Special Reference to Shiash Info Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Author(s): Athira B. G, A. Robert Raja Singh, G. Nanda
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/rklg2297/ngcesi23p144 |
1278-1287 |
143 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_145 |
A study on Organizational Culture and its Impact on Employees Behaviour with special reference to TTK Prestige Ltd, Coimbatore Author(s): S. N. Dharshini, A. Robert Raja Singh, Haritha S. R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/tmur3752/ngcesi23p145 |
1287-1031 |
144 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_146 |
A Study on Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System With Reference To Santhigiri Ashram, Trivandrum Author(s): Sauravjith S, Shinu, A Robert Raja Singh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ckvd7867/ngcesi23p146 |
1302-1314 |
145 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_147 |
A Study on Working Capital Management Kerala Automobiles Limited Aaralumoodu, Neyyattinkara Author(s): Aparna S, A. Robert Raja Singh, Manju C. R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/spac3165/ngcesi23p147 |
1315-1330 |
146 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_148 |
A Study on Increase in Productivity of Foams Bed Products in Foams India Bed Product, Chennai Author(s): Sarjin Lal S. M, A. Robert Raja Singh, Haritha S. R
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/pzlb3089/ngcesi23p148 |
1331-1338 |
147 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_149 |
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Enabled Disease Diagnosis Model for Smart Healthcare Systems Author(s): Sandhiyogha Lakshmi, Nisha Evangelin L2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/flol2037/ngcesi23p149 |
1339-1344 |
148 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_150 |
A Study on Work life – Balance among the Employees at Mamal Multi Speciality Hospital, Kattakada Author(s): Amala S Eswar, A Robert Raja Singh, G Nanda
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/kezg6333/ngcesi23p150 |
1345-1351 |
149 |
IJATEM_NGCESI - 2023_151 |
Skin Disease Classification Using Deep Learning CNN Author(s): Greeshma P V Nair, Jinitha A
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59544/ngnt7820/ngcesi23p151 |
1352-1360 |