Instruction to Authors

Instruction to Authors

Please make sure that your manuscript matches IJATEM’s template, before submitting the manuscript.

Submission of Manuscripts:

The Manuscripts can be submitted online. The Author must adhere to the following guidelines while preparing the Manuscripts.

Language of the Manuscripts:

The Manuscripts must be written in English. All the papers will be checked for grammar mistakes and changes are made if required.

1) Cover Letter:

The manuscript must include a copy of the cover letter along with the signature of the authors. The cover letter is to check the merit of the manuscript. The author must declare the originality of the work and confirm that the paper has not been published previously in part or in whole in any other journal and conferences. The authors must make sure that final version of the manuscript is verified and approved by all the authors before submitting the final copy online. The authors must adhere to the publication terms of IJATEM. All details about the copyrights, ethical and disclosure issues must be unveiled by the authors. The authors must disclose the conflict of interest issue, if any. The authors must agree to the payment of Article Processing Charge (APC) to IJATEM, while submitting the manuscript.

2) Template:

The authors must comply by IJATEM’s template strictly.

3) Manuscripts:

3.1) Title Information and Author Information:

  • The title of the work should be in top center of the page, bold, Times New Romans. First letter of each word in the title should be in Capital.
  • Two line breaks- before the title
  • one line break- between title and the author
  • The author line should have full names and affiliations of the authors and it must be centered.
  • Number the authors in line with their affiliations, with no space between the author’s name and number.
  • Use a comma “,” to separate author’s names and use “and” to separate last two author’s names.
  • In case of only two authors, “and” can be used to separate their names.
  • Author line should have the full names of the author.
  • The “Department, Institutes, Cities and Countries” of the author should be mentioned in the affiliations.
  • A superscript* should be used to mark the Corresponding author.
  • There should be two line breaks between authors and the Abstract.

3.2) Abstract:

  • The length of the research paper should be between 200-400 words and that of review paper should be between 150-300 words.
  • The abstract should be in paragraph.
  • There should not be any reference citations in the abstract.
  • Full form of the abbreviations should be used, when used for the first time. Subsequently, they can be used in between parenthesis.
  • Add one line break between the Abstract and the Keyword.

3.3) Keywords:

  • Minimum number of keywords to be used is three, separated by a semicolon “;”
  • The first letter of the first keyword should be in Capital.
  • Between the Keywords and the Main text, there should be one line break.

4) Text Layout:

  • Paper size should be in US letter ( 8.5” -11” or 21.59 cm- 27.94 cm)
  • All the margins( top, bottom, left and right )
  • Should be set to 1.0” or 2.54cm.
  • The paper must be single spaced and single columned.
  • Font- Times New Roman
  • Font Size
  • Title- 14pt
  • Author line, affiliations, abstract, keywords and references- 10pt
  • All main content (except mathematical equations and special symbols)- 10pt
  • First line of each paragraph should use 4-character indentation.
  • Add single line spacing, 3 pounds after segment.
  • Add 3pt spacing between each paragraph.
  • The headings should use 12pt spacing before the paragraph and 2pt spacing after the paragraph.
  • The manuscript should be in either British English or in American English, not both.
  • Page numbers and line numbers should not be inserted.

5) Equations and Mathematical Expressions:

  • The main text should contain Equations and Mathematical Expressions.
  • In-Line style should be used to represent equations and mathematical expressions.
  • Either MathType add-on or Microsoft Equation Editor can be used.
  • The equations should not be in images and should be in text that is editable.

6) Figures:

  • Figures should be submitted in digital format higher than 250dpi
  • Figures should have legends and should not repeat the information already given in the main text.
  • Figures must be immediately below the text, where it has been discussed.
  • Arabic numbers should be used in numbering.

7) Tables:

  • Tables should be centered and have a caption above them.
  • Tables should be numbered with Arabic numbers.
  • They should be used immediately after the text which describes it.
  • They should be captioned and centered.
  • Table notes are to be aligned with left table frame.

8) Citations:

  • The references should be cited in the main text, with numbers mentioned inside the brackets e.g., [1], [2]…
  • In case of more than two consecutive references in citation, use [1-4],[5-9]
  • Page numbers should not be used in citation
  • “Ref” or “reference” should not be used except at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Type the reference list at the end of the paper, and do not use automatic endnotes.

9) Acknowledgement:

  • Acknowledgement, references, conflict of interest and funding statement headings should be in the following format “left, justified, bold” with the first letter in Capital.
  • It should not be numbered.
  • The names of the contributors who are not the authors are to be listed in the acknowledgement.

10) Language Correction:

  • The manuscripts are expected to be clear with no grammar mistakes.
  • If needed, necessary language corrections are made by the Editor team, for which a nominal amount is charged.

11) References:

  • The references should be listed at the end of the paper.
  • The font size of reference must be 10pt size.
  • The reference numbers are mentioned within square brackets and is aligned left.
  • The first letter of the title should be a Capital letter.


1.Ershun Du;Ning Zhang;Bri-Mathias Hodge;Qin Wang;Chongqing Kang;Benjamin Kroposki;Qing Xia, Year: 2018, “The Role of Concentrating Solar Power Toward High Renewable Energy Penetrated Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol: 33, Issue: 6, pp: 6630 – 6641.

12) Copyright:

  • The purpose of copyright is to protect one’s work from being misused by any other.
  • Repetition of work from any other paper either as a part or as a whole is strictly condemnable and therefore the paper is rejected.
  • The authors are obliged to mail a copyright form with their signature to claim originality of their work.

13) Removal of content:

IJATEM has the rights to remove an article or any other portions of it, to uphold the originality of the work.
Such action is taken in case of,

a) The removal of content is ordered by a court or government order
b) When the published content is defamatory or infringes rights such as privacy, copyrights, intellectual property rights and other legal rights.
c) If there is any intended or unintended health impacts on implementation of the content.
d) The reason for removal will be stated clearly when such action is taken.
e) The act may be either temporary or permanent.