Automatic Prediction of Tp53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer Using PSO Based Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

Automatic Prediction of Tp53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer Using PSO Based Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

Publication Date : 2022-08-25
Author(s) :

Sathya SS. Mohana Lakshmi

Article Name :

Automatic Prediction of Tp53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer Using PSO Based Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

Abstract :

This project proposes an automatic prediction of Pancreatic Cancer including TP53 Mutation using a new artificial neural network. The image to be tested is segmented by Fuzzy C Means segmentation algorithm. Process of feature extraction is carried out with Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Method and optimized using PS optimization algorithm. An effective classifier, (PSO based CNN) is used and final results are accurately predicted. By using CNN Classifier, the obtained results were accurate. This project is implemented with MATLAB simulation software.

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