Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach for Automated Diagnosis of COVID in Chest X-Ray Images

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach for Automated Diagnosis of COVID in Chest X-Ray Images

Publication Date : 2023-10-04
Author(s) :

R. Tharwin Kumar, R. Suguna, A. Yazhini, S. Nagakumararaj, Sahila Devi. R, K. Perachi

Article Name :

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach for Automated Diagnosis of COVID in Chest X-Ray Images

Abstract :

Coronavirus is acute viral disease that can induce respiratory failure due to extensive alveolar damage, perhaps leading to deafness. This paper proposes a COVID detection using CNN in chest X-ray images. To preprocess the input image, an adaptive wiener filter is utilised. This preprocessing technique is utilized to removing the noise from the image. After pre-processing, the noise removed image is fed into the segmentation block for segmenting the image into several segments for further process. The processed image is further segmented by the fuzzy C-means segmentation. The segmented image is classified by an effective classifier. CNN is used for classification. Final output will predict by using Convolutional Neural Network classifier. This paper is implemented with MATLAB.

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