(Classification of Blood Group) Classification of Diseases Based On Blood Test Using Machine Learning

(Classification of Blood Group) Classification of Diseases Based On Blood Test Using Machine Learning

Publication Date : 2024-11-28
Author(s) :

Sadhana R, Radhika Uppar, Pooja B Nilugal, Sneha MV, Saranya C, Sahana S
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

This study focuses on the importance of blood analysis in diagnosing a variety of diseases, as it provides key parameters that signal specific blood disorders. Accurate disease prediction from blood data requires identifying distinct patterns linked to each one edition. Machine learning plays a critical role in building predictive models based on historical data, and the success of these models largely depend on the quality and reliability of the data used. This research introduces a new benchmark dataset comprising 668 records, meticulously gathered and verified by expert physicians from trusted sources. Several traditional machine learning algorithms were applied to this dataset, yielding promising predictive results.

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