Author(s) :
KK Deepak, A Kavitha
Conference Name :
International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :
Knee replacement operation frequently needed by hemophiliacs patients, which greatly improve their quality of life. The artificial knee is a prosthetic device which is made up of metals and polymers, which can be surgically implanted to replace a natural joint. A knee substitution is an arthroplasty surgical procedure to implant the weight bearing surface of the knee joint with less pain and move properly. This surgery consist of replacement of the diseased or damaged joint surface of the knee with metal and plastic component shaped to allow continued motion of the knee. In this project we using different sensors to monitoring the knee joints and leg movement. Exoskeleton devices are designed for applications such as rehabilitation, assistance, and haptic. Due to the nature of physical human machine interaction, designing and operating these devices is quite challenging. Optimization methods lessen the severity of these challenges and help designers develop the device they need. In this paper, we present an extensive and systematic literature search on the optimization methods used for the mechanical design of exoskeletons.
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