Fake Profiles Identification in Online Social Networks Using Random Forest Algorithm

Fake Profiles Identification in Online Social Networks Using Random Forest Algorithm

Publication Date : 2023-08-07
Author(s) :

Glancy Sherina M, Maria Jesi, M. D. Amala Dhaya
Conference Name :

International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :

Every day several people are creating their profiles on the social network platforms. The social network sites not only providing advantages to the users and also provide security issues to the users as well their information. To analyze, who are encouraging threats in social network need to classify the social networks profiles of the users. From the classification, can get the genuine profiles and fake profiles on the social networks. Different classification methods for detecting the fake profiles on the social networks. In this paper proposing Machine learning and Natural language Processing (NLP) techniques to improve the accuracy rate of the fake profiles detection using the Random forest algorithm.

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