Author(s) :
S. Shanthini, A. Sathiya Priya, K. Banuroopa
Conference Name :
International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :
The virtual keyboard and mouse are the most often used input devices in computers; however, because they allow individuals with disabilities and those who are paralyzed to perform basic tasks using the traditional input system, using the same input device can be difficult for them. The suggested system offers an alternative to a physically operated virtual keyboard and mouse for those with physical limitations and paralysis by utilizing their facial expressions captured by the web camera as the primary input method. The way the system operates is by facial expressions, such as eye and mouth movements. The system recognizes the area of the face where the mouth, eyes, and nose are located and removed for processing using the Haar classifier. It directs the action. By enabling hands free communication between people and computers, of the virtual keyboard and mouse. It enables impaired users to move the cursor left and right, scroll up and down, and scroll left and right. It also allows them to utilize a virtual mouse. The eyeball position on the virtual keyboard can be set to the left or right. By simply blinking, the user can select the desired key from the virtual keyboard and type without using their hands or fingers.
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