Prediction and Therapeutic Design for Diabetic Retinopathy using LabVIEW

Prediction and Therapeutic Design for Diabetic Retinopathy using LabVIEW

Publication Date : 2024-04-30
Author(s) :

B. Vanmathi, M. Priyadharshini, B. Vidhyavashini
Conference Name :

International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering and Management (ICMTEM-24)
Abstract :

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a common diabetic complication that affect eye causing damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Chronic hyperglycemia, which may be due to diabetes type 1 or type 2.LabVIEW software play as major role in predicting the diabetic retinopathy at different stages. The real time image of the affected eye is acquired using Vision Acquisition tool in LabVIEW and then it is processed using Vision assistant tool. IoT technology is used for sending the output result to the corresponding end client. Image processing and loT, both are implemented using LabVIEW. This innovative solution leverages LabVIEW software to predict diabetic retinopathy by acquiring real time images of the affected eye and processing them using LabVIEW’s Vision Acquisition and Vision Assistant tools. IoT technology enables the transmission of results to end clients efficiently. Additionally, the integration of temperature monitoring allows for the detection of abnormal conditions, with a responsive mechanism employing a Peltier crystal to cool the eye if necessary. The aim is to swiftly and accurately classify patients’ diabetic retinopathy status, crucial for timely intervention to prevent vision loss. Hardware implementation using LabVIEW and the design of specialized eyeglasses further enhance patient comfort and care by reducing eye irritation and pain.

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