Stride to Energy using Piezoelectric Sensor

Stride to Energy using Piezoelectric Sensor

Publication Date : 2024-11-27
Author(s) :

Brunda V Gowda, Akshitha R, Shobitha M, Indupriya B, Dhamarai Selvi K.V
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

This paper explores an innovative method for electricity generation through human locomotion by employing piezoelectric technology in high traffic public areas. With rising global energy demands, particularly in densely populated countries like India, sustainable energy solutions are increasingly vital. We propose the installation of piezoelectric flooring in spaces such as train stations and temples, where significant foot traffic can be harnessed. The flooring captures kinetic energy from footsteps and converts it into electrical energy using embedded piezo transducers, which is subsequently stored in batteries for later use. This system integrates an Atmega 328 microprocessor with the Arduino IDE for effective control, an LCD display for user interaction, and an RFID module for secure energy access. Users can charge devices like mobile phones upon swiping a valid RFID tag, promoting responsible energy use. This approach not only mitigates energy waste but also fosters clean energy practices, aligning with global sustainability goals.

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