SwarmSense: The Future of Robotic Intelligence

SwarmSense: The Future of Robotic Intelligence

Publication Date : 2024-11-27
Author(s) :

Umme, Taahani Sheikh, Thrupthi Chandana G, Rithika H, Pallavi S, Suguna A
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

It’s fascinating to observe how the concept of Swarm Intelligence in natural systems may be applied to human groupings, specifically in the realm of finance. Swarm robotics is an emerging field inspired by the collective behavior of social organisms, such as ants, bees, and birds where individual agents work together to accomplish complex tasks. Swarm robotics is a relatively new and rapidly developing field which draws inspiration from swarm intelligence. It is an interesting alternative to classical approaches to robotics because of some properties of problem solving present in social insects, which is flexible, robust, decentralized and self organized. It focuses on studying the design of large amounts of relatively simple robots, their physical bodies and their controlling behaviors. Since its introduction in 2000, several successful experimentations have been realized, and till now more projects are under investigation.

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