The Efficiency of Distributed Storage Systems through XOR-Optimized Cauchy Reed-Solomon Codes

The Efficiency of Distributed Storage Systems through XOR-Optimized Cauchy Reed-Solomon Codes

Publication Date : 2024-11-28
Author(s) :

Reji Thomas, G Praveen Kumar, Harisha M, Dayanda Sorapur, Hullanagoud Siddanagoud Patil
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

In today‘s society, we have entered the era of big data and the Internet of Things. The rise of services such as artificial intelligence, cloud storage, and the metaverse has led to increased demands for data transmission and storage. People now require not only greater capacity but also higher efficiency, more powerful hardware, and advanced algorithms. Storage the Reed Solomon (RS) code, as a highly effective error correction code, is officially applied in fields such as data storage and data transmission. The Cauchy Reed Solomon (CRS) Code, which is based on the RS code, utilizes a Cauchy matrix instead of the original Vandermonde matrix and replaces the original matrix multiplication with XOR operations. This paper primarily explores how the XOR optimized Cauchy Reed Solomon Code improves the efficiency of distributed storage systems, It was discovered that using lookup tables to store frequently used data and operations can further enhance the efficiency of storage systems and its future applications.

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