A Deep Learning Method for Detecting Brain Tumour in MRI Images

A Deep Learning Method for Detecting Brain Tumour in MRI Images

Publication Date : 2023-05-13
Author(s) :

Arithra L. A, Affna S, Ajitha R

Article Name :

A Deep Learning Method for Detecting Brain Tumour in MRI Images

Abstract :

Brain tumour are the primary cause of cancer-related mortality. Brain tumour treatment and early detection are important.  The tumour is not very big. A deep learning method is put forth in this paper for the segmentation of brain tumour in MRI data. An image is first pre-processed using a median filter. Spatial processing is carried out by a median filter to minimise noise in an image. This filter evaluates how each pixel in the image contrasts with the pixels around it. GLCM employs the feature extraction technique.  For the purpose of obtaining statistical skin parameters in a specific direction and distance, Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) approach is used. A technique for estimating solutions to mathematical maximisation and minimization problems that are extremely challenging or unattainable is called particle swarm optimisation (PSO). This paper use the convolutional neural network (CNN) technique. An early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy has been made easier by the use of CNN algorithms. This paper is implemented using Matlab software.

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