Advanced Controller System with Hybrid Renewable Sources Enabling Vehicle-To-Grid and Grid-To-Vehicle Operations

Advanced Controller System with Hybrid Renewable Sources Enabling Vehicle-To-Grid and Grid-To-Vehicle Operations

Publication Date : 2024-08-17
Author(s) :

V. S. Vaisali, R. Anuja

Article Name :

Advanced Controller System with Hybrid Renewable Sources Enabling Vehicle-To-Grid and Grid-To-Vehicle Operations

Abstract :

Power demand is rising worldwide, forcing the search for an alternative source to solve the imminent power crisis, which is expected to be accomplished through the deployment of grid synchronized electric vehicles (EV). Wind and solar energy are incorporated into this integration to those concerns. One smart grid innovation that permits energy exchange between the EV and the grid is vehicle to grid (V2G) technology. For the purpose of charging EVs, this research proposes employing hybrid energy. Here, the neighboring household’s linear and non linear demands are powered by the excess electricity from the photovoltaics (PV) panel, wind turbine, and AC generator that is utilized to charge the EV battery. Because of its dependability and independence from the real system model, a proportional integral (PI) controller is used to maximize the DC voltage extracted from the PV panel. The improved DC voltage overall is a result of the SEPIC converter’s improved DC output. Concurrently, an AC generator is incorporated into the system to supply extra power to the grid. An artificial neural network (ANN) controller is used to convert the power generated by the PV panel’s Sepic conversion process into an improved output that is then converted to AC using a 3 phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI).  Harmonic components in the VSI output are corrected with an LC filter to ensure grid compatibility and safe current injection into the grid. This paper discusses the usage of a bidirectional converter to adjust the EV battery’s voltage. MATLAB 2021a / Simulink software is used to simulate and validate the proposed approach.

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