Comprehensive Review of DC-DC Converters for PV Connected Grid System

Comprehensive Review of DC-DC Converters for PV Connected Grid System

Publication Date : 2024-08-17
Author(s) :

R. Siva Nagini

Article Name :

Comprehensive Review of DC-DC Converters for PV Connected Grid System

Abstract :

Renewable Energy Systems (RES) harness natural sources like sunlight, wind, and water to generate sustainable power. They decrease dependency on fossil fuels and minimize greenhouse gas emissions, promoting environmental sustainability and energy security. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are a prominent application of renewable energy, converting sunlight directly into electricity. However, the efficiency of PV systems adversely affected by varying environmental conditions and climatic changes, leading to fluctuations in voltage output. To address these challenges and optimize energy extraction, the integration of DC-DC converters into PV system is essential. In this paper an exhaustive review of various DC-DC converters technologies used in PV connected grid systems, including SEPIC converter, Buck boost converter, Boost converter, and CUK converter. Every converter plays a crucial role in managing and stabilizing voltage levels by adjusting the output voltage to meet the needs of the grid or load. A comparative analysis of recent research highlights various methodologies for enhancing converter performance. The review includes studies on ultra gain converters, Fourth order boost DC-DC converter (FBDC), high step up interleaved converters, and Quasi Z source converters. Each approach presents unique benefits and challenges, reflecting ongoing efforts to optimize DC-DC conversion in PV systems. The paper concludes with insights into the future direction of converter technologies and their role in enhance the stability and efficiency of PV connected systems.

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