Control Strategies of Different Energy Storage for EV Applications

Control Strategies of Different Energy Storage for EV Applications

Publication Date : 2022-07-19
Author(s) :

C. MiltonJibin, N.R. Anu, P.R.Hariharan, R. Infant Alex

Article Name :

Control Strategies of Different Energy Storage for EV Applications

Abstract :

This project proposes a hybrid energy storage systems for electric vehicles. With a low duty cycle and less voltage stress across the power semiconductor switches, the DC-DC converter’s delivers significant voltage gain. A high gain, fast charging DC-DC CUK Converter is utilized for solar PV at the electric vehicle charging station with hybrid storage system backup. An uninterruptible power supply and proper solar PV utilization under various operational situations are delivered by hybrid energy storage system and the PI controller. The project is implemented by DSPIC30F4011 microcontroller and Simulation is done by MATLAB.

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