Dual-Input Non-Isolated Sepic Cuk Converter with Vehicle to Grid Tied System

Dual-Input Non-Isolated Sepic Cuk Converter with Vehicle to Grid Tied System

Publication Date : 2023-07-15
Author(s) :

Sarjin Benet Raj J, P. Priyanka Darling Rosita

Article Name :

Dual-Input Non-Isolated Sepic Cuk Converter with Vehicle to Grid Tied System

Abstract :

Worldwide energy consumption is rising, necessitating the search for an alternative source to address the looming power problem, which is most likely accomplished by means of a dual input power source. In this project, we use two input sources, a solar panel and a battery, and we also present a smart grid innovation called vehicle to grid technology, which enables energy exchange between electric vehicles and the grid. The combination of EVs and the grid has an impact on the entire power system, generating supply-demand, voltage, and frequency imbalances. In this project, workable optimization strategies are proposed to reduce these problems. Lithium-ion batteries are initially charged via smart grid, and their SOC is determined using CNN. In this study, the voltage is changed in both directions using a bidirectional Sepic-Cuk converter. With the help of PI, the calculated SOC is used to construct the gating sequence for the converter. When the SOC is less than 94%, the battery gets recharged by the grid through the Buck mode, and when it is greater than 94%, the battery gets depleted through the Boost mode. PI controllers are used to control both the active and reactive power. Through MATLAB simulation, the proposed tactic is verified.

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