Effective and Privacy Protecting Cross Domain Deduplication in Cloud

Effective and Privacy Protecting Cross Domain Deduplication in Cloud

Publication Date : 2023-06-22
Author(s) :

E. Vino Dharshini, K. Vahitha Thangam

Article Name :

Effective and Privacy Protecting Cross Domain Deduplication in Cloud

Abstract :

In the recent years, the big data world has developed a cloud with strong storage management that can verify data integrity and maintain one data duplicate. The data deduplication (DD) issue has been solved by the development of numerous cloud auditing storage techniques, but these methods are weak and unable to withstand brute force attacks. In this paper, the proposed technique explore a three-tier cross-domain architecture and suggest a fast and private huge data deduplication in cloud storage. EPCDD achieves data availability as well as privacy preservation while resisting brute-force attacks. In order to provide better privacy protections than previous systems, this method take accountability into consideration. In terms of compute, communication and storage overheads and then it show that EPCDD performs better than currently used competitive strategies. However, since users and data owners may not be confident in cloud storage providers, data will likely be encrypted before outsourcing. Since different users encrypt identical data in different ways, deduplication efforts are complicated. As a result, to examine the performance of the proposed work is utilizing the java software.

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