Energy-Efficient Photovoltaic-Based Motor Drive With Interleaved Boost Converter For Electric Vehicle

Energy-Efficient Photovoltaic-Based Motor Drive With Interleaved Boost Converter For Electric Vehicle

Publication Date : 2024-11-14
Author(s) :

S. Priyadharsini, P. Subha Karuvelam

Article Name :

Energy-Efficient Photovoltaic-Based Motor Drive With Interleaved Boost Converter For Electric Vehicle

Abstract :

The Electric Vehicles (EVs) are revolutionary in the transport sector and leads to the phasing out of conventional fuel vehicles. The Renewable Energy Sources (Res) is used for EV. The EV vehicles are cost effective, environmental friendly. For the proportion of EV, Permanent Magnet Brush Less Direct Current (PMBLDC) motor is used in the Photovoltaic (PV) system. The energy from the PV system is always low due to the environmental conditions, inorder to boost the voltage, this paper proposes Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) to hybridize energy alternatives in EVs. The energy obtained from the PV system is DC. To step up the DC voltage from the PV array it is required level an interleaved boost converter is integrated. It ensure continous power flow, reduces ripple current and improves the overall power quality of the system.. The drive system’s performance for various operating modes, such as stable and varying load conditions are examined from the simulations. The PMBLDC motor helps in effectively managing speed with accordance with the PI controller. The developed system’s is evaluated by MATLAB simulations to verify its effectiveness. The presented converter achieves the highest efficiency of (93%) compared to other conventional methods.

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