Enhancing Dermatology Diagnosis: Automated Skin Cancer Classification using CNN

Enhancing Dermatology Diagnosis: Automated Skin Cancer Classification using CNN

Publication Date : 2023-10-04
Author(s) :

D. Madhivadhani, M. Maheswari, Hariarasi A, A. Tamizharasi, G. Sugitha, Buvanesh Pandian V

Article Name :

Enhancing Dermatology Diagnosis: Automated Skin Cancer Classification using CNN

Abstract :

Cancer incidence is increasing due to rising global temperature, especially skin cancer. Skin cancer is frequently misdiagnosed as moles or other skin tags and is thus identified at a much later stage. As a result, a model that precisely targets the face and identifies benign or malignant tumours in the region is required. This paper proposes skin cancer detection using CNN. Data augmentation is an effective way for increasing the diversity of data points without collecting fresh datasets for CNN training. The input image is preprocessed using an adaptive wiener filter. This preprocessing technique is used to remove noise from images. Fuzzy C means are used to segment the preprocessed image. An effective classifier is used to classify the image after segmentation. CNN is used for classification. Final output will predict by using CNN classifier. This paper is implemented with python software.

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