Flood Monitoring System Based on IoT

Flood Monitoring System Based on IoT

Publication Date : 2023-10-10
Author(s) :

A.T.R. Krishna Priya, M. Faustino Adlinde, M. Saranya, C. Fabbina

Article Name :

Flood Monitoring System Based on IoT

Abstract :

Flooding is one of nature’s unavoidable calamities. It happens too quickly and affects far too many people and properties. Prior to this, the majority of previous systems exclusively focused on specific regions. Aside from that, the bulk of the people is unable to monitor and has no idea when the flood will occur since they lack access to weather information and data. By implementing an IoT (Internet of Things) based smart flood monitoring system, all of the shortcomings of the current system will be addressed. This project proposes a smart city flood monitoring and alerting system based on IoT. The open source Arduino electronic platform serves as the base for this project. This system uses water level and DHT11 sensors. Water level sensors were employed to measure the water level. This sensor will be in charge of sound navigation and range. It will function by sending out a short, high-frequency pulse, listening for the echo, and determining the level from there. A cheap digital temperature and humidity sensor is the DHT11. If the water level is unsafe, an alert message is sent and an alarm is activated to sound a flood alert. The water level and rainfall intensity in the area around the stream are monitored using NODEMCU. The LCD and LED functions are to display and signal the water level. The system will detect water level using a water level sensor and will automatically send a notification to the user’s smartphone via IoT technology via the Blynk application.

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