Implementation of a Spy Robot for a Surveillance System Using Raspberry PI’s Internet Protocol

Implementation of a Spy Robot for a Surveillance System Using Raspberry PI’s Internet Protocol

Publication Date : 2023-02-10
Author(s) :

D. Thivya Prasad

Article Name :

Implementation of a Spy Robot for a Surveillance System Using Raspberry PI's Internet Protocol

Abstract :

A rise in terrorist acts throughout the world has increased the necessity to control, monitor and quickly carry out appropriate reaction plans. By using Bluetooth, the robot in this study is controlled with less effort by a person. The user broadcast’s live video of the activities going on surrounding a robot’s position in all occasions using a wireless camera from the robot. A spy robot platform that uses Internet of Things (IoT) based remote control and monitoring techniques and runs on a Raspberry Pi. A spy robot’s primary function is to wander freely through highly sensitive areas and transmit video data from a needed environment to a distant monitoring station. A spy robot system’s components include Raspberry Pi, a small single board computer, a night vision pi camera, a metal detector sensor and a gas sensor. This robot’s behaviour is controlled by a Raspberry Pi microcontroller model. To detect smugglers’ infiltration, the proposed spy robot is deployed. In order to prevent collision, a robot’s movement is also automatically regulated by a pi camera.

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