IOT Based Air Quality Monitoring and Lamp Alert System Using Arduino

IOT Based Air Quality Monitoring and Lamp Alert System Using Arduino

Publication Date : 2022-07-16
Author(s) :

E. Sherjin TintuM.S.Adithyakrishnan, Jishnu Jayakumar, Alan John

Article Name :

IOT Based Air Quality Monitoring and Lamp Alert System Using Arduino

Abstract :

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful gases into Earth’s atmosphere, causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air Quality has gained widespread attention over the last decade, and lately has been in spotlight because of China’s metropolitan cities exhibiting alarming pollution levels. The air quality nodes measured and broadcasted the pollution data along with temperature and humidity as a message packet every three minutes. Most common form of reporting Air Quality for public is by Air Quality Index (AQI), a unit less value. The purpose of air monitoring is to identify and quantify airborne contaminants in order to determine the level of worker protection needed. Air sampling is carried out to ensure that workplace or environmental air is meeting regulatory standards and to help Occupational Hygiene and Health & Safety professionals assess employee exposure to airborne hazards. The general objective of an ambient air quality monitoring programs is to determine air quality in a region to assess its effects on human health. The papers address issues from calibration to public affordability. We aim to deliver a system which has the foundation for such a solution, and we realize it by implementing various parts of it, and study the efficacy of it. This framework survives the issue of contamination observing, wellbeing checking, occupation estimation, maintainability evaluations and estimation related fields. This framework is checking just five parameters and consequently can be extended by considering more parameters that cause the contamination particularly by the ventures. The model devours an excess of intensity, so we can utilize sun oriented power as an outside wellspring of vitality in future and it will improve the unwavering quality of the framework.

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