IOT Based Sun Tracking Solar Panel Monitoring and Solar Power Management System

IOT Based Sun Tracking Solar Panel Monitoring and Solar Power Management System

Publication Date : 2023-04-15
Author(s) :

S. Sabitha, S. Mohanalakshmi

Article Name :

IOT Based Sun Tracking Solar Panel Monitoring and Solar Power Management System

Abstract :

One of the most interesting and promising clean technologies in the modern era with no carbon emissions is solar photovoltaic electricity. It is true that if solar electricity is to be utilized, both its application and maintenance must be carefully thought out. This project suggests building a solar tracker using an Arduino and a servo motor. The Solar Panel Tracker is designed to move with the sun in order to maximise the quantity of light that the solar panel receives and hence boost power efficiency. The design of a dual-axis solar tracking system. In this method, the entire solar panel rotates once a day from east to west to face the sun. The efficiency of energy generation will rise with the usage of a solar tracker circuit. Solar energy measurements are gathered and analysed by the proposed Internet of Things (IoT)-based solar energy tracking technique in order to forecast performance and guarantee steady generation of electricity. The system’s key benefit is that it can be used to analyse performance to improve solar PV maintenance. (Photovoltaic). A cost-effective solution that continuously shows remote energy yields and its performance on computers or smart phones is what the PV monitoring system’s main goal is to provide. With a solar module, the proposed system is put to the test for voltage, current, temperature, and humidity. This smart, Wi-Fi-enabled Arduino microcontroller with an ESP8266 processor is used to create the PV monitoring system. It interfaces with the cloud platform and uploads data using the Blynk app. Additionally, a wireless monitoring system maximises a PV system’s operational reliability while using the least amount of system resources.

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