PV Fed SEPIC Converter for Grid Tied System with Ultra Capacitor

PV Fed SEPIC Converter for Grid Tied System with Ultra Capacitor

Publication Date : 2023-10-04
Author(s) :

A. Vijay Kumar, K. Rajesh, R. Tharwin Kumar, Thomas Thangam, S.L. Sreedevi, S. Sivarajan

Article Name :

PV Fed SEPIC Converter for Grid Tied System with Ultra Capacitor

Abstract :

Recent years have seen a rise in the popularity of photovoltaic (PV) energy as a next-generation energy source that can combat both global warming and the energy fatigue brought on by rising energy demand. Due to their environmental friendliness and economical operation, renewable energy sources including photovoltaic (PV) energy are popular for home and commercial uses. This paper suggests a grid-tied system with an ultra-capacitor that uses a PV fed Sepic converter. Through a SEPIC converter, the solar system delivers voltage to the inverter. To regulate the converter by current and the DC by voltage, an energy management strategy is given. Super capacitor is attached to the bidirectional converter’s output. According to many quick charge/discharge cycles, supercapacitor are used in place of long-term compact energy storage. The single phase grid is linked to the LC filter. It links to the PWM and PI controller via the sepic converter. The findings show that the suggested strategy performs better with increased efficiency and less harmonics. DSPIC30F4011 controller is used in the hardware development.

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