Secured Data Transmission for Cloud Computing using Highly Efficient NTRU Key Management System

Secured Data Transmission for Cloud Computing using Highly Efficient NTRU Key Management System

Publication Date : 2022-08-17
Author(s) :

K. Sathis KumarJ. Prabula

Article Name :

Secured Data Transmission for Cloud Computing using Highly Efficient NTRU Key Management System

Abstract :

This Project Proposed a Secured Data Transmission For Cloud Computing Using Highly Efficient NTRU Key Management System. Cloud Computing is used for storing and accessing data over the internet without the use of computer’s hard drive. The major purposes of a cloudlet are data exchange, data confidentiality and intrusion detection. The data monitored by IOT is stored in the cloud with enhanced security. The information about the user that is being captured by wearable technology is encrypted here for the first time using the NTRU method. This information will then be efficiently transferred to the closest cloudlet. The user’s medical records are divided into three categories and further secured in a hospital’s distant cloud. In this paper, a unique collaborative Intrusion Detection System approach using cloudlet mesh was developed to protect the healthcare system from harmful intrusions. In order to get more reliable functionality, NTRU is employed last. Software called NETBEANS is used to simulate the proposed method.

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