Author(s) :
M. Nivedha
Article Name :
Spectral Domain Wavelet Transform Based Channel Estimation for VLC Communication
Abstract :
In the future, future heterogeneous communications networks may use visible light
communications (VLC) as a supplementary technology to WiFi. The signal to noise ratio
(SNR) of the received signal determines a VLC system’s channel capacity, just like it does for
any other communications system. The channel estimate for VLC communication proposed in
this study is based on spectral domain wavelet transform. Due to their excellent spectrum and
energy efficiency for VLC MIMO communication systems, SMTs have become more and more
common. This work focuses on SMTs, or entirely generalized spatial modulation, in which
multiple active optical antennas and a constant number of antennae are used to transmit data
symbols for VLC at any time interval. In this study, an adaptive channel estimation approach
over a time-varying MIMO channel is proposed using the Spectral Domain Wavelet Transform.
Furthermore, the broadcast data and optical antenna indices are identified using a maximum
likelihood (ML) decoder based on the received signal and the predicted VLC-MIMO channel.
Matlab software is used in the implementation of this project.
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