A Study on Work life – Balance among the Employees at Mamal Multi Speciality Hospital, Kattakada

A Study on Work life – Balance among the Employees at Mamal Multi Speciality Hospital, Kattakada

Publication Date : 2023-08-08
Author(s) :

Amala S Eswar, A Robert Raja Singh, G Nanda
Conference Name :

International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :

The topic “A STUDY ON WORKLIFE -BALANCE AMONG THE EMPLOYEES AT MAMAL MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL, KATTAKADA, TRIVANDRUM” In the last few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of research devoted to understanding the linkages between work and family and/or personal life. The term “Work-life Balance was first coined in 1986 in reaction to the unhealthy choices that many Americans were making in favour of the work place, as they opted to neglect family, friends and leisure activities in the pursuit of corporate/ work goals. A balanced life is one where we spread our energy and effort emotional, intellectual. Imaginative, spiritual and physical-between key areas of importance. The neglect of one or more areas or anchor points, may threaten the vitality of the whole. Understandably, any imbalance between organizational and personal commitments and the inefficient management of life priorities can lead to serious consequences in each or all of these domains. The consequences may in general manifest as diminished job satisfaction, poorer productivity and performance, lower organizational commitment, inferior career ambitions & success, increased absenteeism & intention to leave, as well as employee burnout, job stress, poorer physiological and psychological health, and diminished performance in personal life & family. Thus, WLB and employee perception of well-being have come to be recognized to be vital for the organizational growth and effectiveness. Human resource management practices in modern organizations emphasize effective strategies that ensure employee well-being reflected in terms of organizational commitment through initiatives referred to as employee engagement. The importance of work life balance of the employees and the parameters that influence WLB in modern work and life settings cannot be over emphasized in this era of acutely competitive business environment and dwindling skilled manpower combined with ever increasing costs of employment.

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