Author(s) :
Adisha Manna
Conference Name :
International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :
Higher education institutions, as key drivers of socio economic transformation, are increasingly positioned as pivotal sites for advancing gender equity and diversity. However, despite these potentials, universities remain inherently “gendered” spaces, where entrenched patriarchal structures perpetuate systemic gender inequalities in representation, career trajectories, compensation, and scholarly practices. This Special Issue critically interrogates the persistent gender disparities within academia, highlighting how institutional and structural norms systematically disadvantage women and gender minorities, with implications that are compounded by neoliberal market logics, gender based violence, and harassment. While Gender Equality Plans have demonstrated some institutional traction, their transformative potential is often constrained by resistance to cultural and structural change. A critical lens on intersectionality reveals the compounded disadvantages faced by marginalized groups, particularly in relation to caregiving responsibilities, racialized identities, and socio economic status. Key themes include the marginalization of gender studies, the neoliberal commodification of academic labour, work life balance, care work, and the impact of gendered labour divisions in academic hierarchies. The findings advocate for systemic reforms that move beyond tokenistic approaches, calling for a radical reimagining of academic culture and policy to address the deeply embedded gendered power structures.
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