An Automated Exam hall management Application that allocates both seating arrangement for students and Invigilation of Supervisor

An Automated Exam hall management Application that allocates both seating arrangement for students and Invigilation of Supervisor

Publication Date : 2024-11-27
Author(s) :

Kasthuri M, Shenbaha C, Swetha G, Vaanmiga U, Vaishnavi K
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

The Automated Exam Hall Allocation System is a comprehensive solution for managing exam hall assignments and invigilation duties, aiming to enhance efficiency and reduce manual workload. By leveraging automated scheduling algorithms, the system assigns examination halls based on pre established rules, optimizing space utilization and minimizing conflicts. Each exam hall is allocated to ensure maximum use, balancing the number of students with available spaces. Staff members receive a notification a day before their scheduled invigilation duty, allowing them to confirm availability. If a staff member cannot confirm, they are reassigned to a future exam, with increased priority to ensure equitable distribution of responsibilities. This approach ensures a fair and balanced invigilation schedule, giving all staff members and opportunity to participate. Students receive their hall assignments in advance, reducing confusion and ensuring they know exactly where to go on exam day. Additionally, a reminder is sent to staff on the exam morning to prevent missed duties. Administrators can easily monitor hall allocations, adjust schedules, and check real time status updates, all through an intuitive interface. Overall, the Automated Exam Hall Allocation System addresses the inefficiencies of traditional manual methods, reducing human errors, saving time, and promoting accuracy in exam logistics. The system fosters a smoother examination experience for students and staff, making it an ideal solution for educational institutions.

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