Bug Vision: Your Path to Seamless Debugging

Bug Vision: Your Path to Seamless Debugging

Publication Date : 2024-11-26
Author(s) :

Kowshika V, Namita R, Bhavani N, K Tejashree, Shyji
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

Over the past several decades, formal mechanisms to track bugs have been embraced mostly in large software development firms although smaller teams normally sidestepped organized mechanisms completely. Rather, they used shared spreadsheets, simple lists of tasks or even an email stream to keep track of errors and bugs. This, much more often than not, turned out to be ineffective, time consuming and full of mistakes. This gentle casualness made it possible to become complacent and let minor ones go because they rarely had the spotlight that would have made it worth getting all worked up about it. The bug tracking systems are capable of providing structured workflows at every stage of the bug resolution which also enhances productivity and promotes accountability and transparency by recording every action performed to resolve a given issue. The implementation of a Bug Tracking System has numerous advantages to organizations such as enhanced efficiency of the defect resolution process and increased communication between the teams. This serves the purpose of accountability, reporting, communication within the team, and even motivating the members of the team by marking the completed tasks as satisfactory. Additionally, it brings the advantage of better management due to better historical records and report information which in turn enhances product quality as well as improves customer satisfaction by constantly improving the processes.

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