Charging Slot Prediction and Automation System for Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Charging Slot Prediction and Automation System for Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Publication Date : 2023-08-08
Author(s) :

Y. Abi Tirshan, S. Ajaikrishnan, S. Suresh
Conference Name :

International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :

With ever-increasing pollution levels and its impact on the environment, governments are looking for alternate energy options for transportation services. Rapidly depleting global oil reserves and rising oil import bills of governments are also driving the need for alternate energy sources for the transport vehicles. Transportation as a whole is undoing a transformational change worldwide and Electric vehicle are the best solution to address both pollution and oil import bills. Electric vehicles are becoming more and more common these days. With the growing demand for Electric vehicles, the charging infrastructure is critical for sustaining the E-Mobility services. As EVs become more commercial, there will be a need to create an efficient slot booking system as the charging process can be time consuming and the need for more stations will be demanding. Developed the Framework and Architecture of the Next- Generation Communication based Online EV’s Charging Slot Booking at Charging Station. We built the stochastic queuing model for EVs in the charging station. We formulated the objective function of EV’s charging at charging points in charging stations to determine the optimal charging time, minimal charging cost, least distance, minimal queuing delay and optimal duration for particular charging slots. The proposed model of the booking system is designed to create a cost effective and efficient system. Our Cloud based Charging Station Management platform is developed to network and manage multiple charging stations. The proposed server-based real-time forecast charging infrastructure avoids waiting times and its scheduling management efficiently prevents the EV from halting on the road due to battery drain out.

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