Author(s) :
P.S Anu Rakhi, R.S Rajesh
Conference Name :
7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :
Image processing plays a vital role in the detection of medical images segmentation. Accurate detection will help the radiologilist to predict the images masses. Using Deep Learning methods the segmentation of medical images can be possible with best results when compared with state o art methods. In this paper we have compared the deep learning methods like a) U net, b) U net attention, c) Dense net, d) Attention Dense U net for the segmentation of mammography images. Performance metrics like Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score, and AUC are measure for the above mentioned models. Attention Dense U net outperforms the best in accuracy with 78.38%, sensitivity is 77.89%, F1 score with 82.24 , and AUC with 86.05%.
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