Conversational Image Recognition Chatbot

Conversational Image Recognition Chatbot

Publication Date : 2024-11-23
Author(s) :

Devi Praba N, Kishor Kumar S, Vijay Surya R, Ananya R Melagiri, Vijayaraman S
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

This article proposes how to build conversational image recognition chatbot in python using CNN and LLM. We are going to see about building a model using CNN (Convolutional neural network), LLM (Large language model) and how to implement those with traditional chatbot models like encoders, NLP (natural language processor) and decoders. This chatbot able to detect image and answer the queries, it is can provide answer for variety of question asked on images and objects and it can also answer the simple open ended questions. It is a model where an AI agent can hold meaningful dialogue with humans in natural language about a visual content, specifically images.

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