Edge-Cloud Collaboration Based Covid-19 Detection on X-Ray Images

Edge-Cloud Collaboration Based Covid-19 Detection on X-Ray Images

Publication Date : 2023-07-13
Author(s) :

Liji M. L, T. Escalin Freetha
Conference Name :

7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :

The Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID19) pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and caused a tremendous challenge to public health. Immediate detection and diagnosis of COVID19 have lifesaving importance for both patients and doctors. The availability of COVID19 tests increased significantly in many countries, thereby provisioning a limited availability of laboratory test kits additionally, the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR) test for the diagnosis of COVID 19 is costly and time consuming. X ray imaging is widely used for the diagnosis of COVID19. The detection of COVID19 based on the manual investigation of X ray images is a tedious process. Therefore, computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems are needed for the automated detection of COVID19 disease. This paper proposes a novel approach for the automated detection of COVID19 using chest X ray images. The Fixed Boundary based Two Dimensional Empirical Wavelet Transform (FB2 DEWT) is used to extract modes from the X ray images. In our study, a single X ray image is decomposed into seven modes. The evaluated modes are used as input to the multiscale deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify X ray images into no finding, pneumonia, and COVID19 classes. The proposed deep learning model is evaluated using the X ray images from two different publicly available databases, where database A consists of 1225 images and database B consists of 9000 images.

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