Efficient Face-Based Age Estimation

Efficient Face-Based Age Estimation

Publication Date : 2023-07-13
Author(s) :

Dhivya V R, Henilin J K
Conference Name :

7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :

Age detection using facial images has been an active area of research in recent years. Deep learning approaches, in particular, have shown great potential in achieving high accuracy and efficiency in this task. In this study, we present a comprehensive investigation of the use of VGG Face, a deep neural network pre trained on a large dataset of faces, for age detection. We first explore the impact of pre processing techniques, such as normalization and augmentation, on the performance of the VGG Face network. We then compare the performance of different variants of the VGG Face architecture for age detection. We evaluate the performance of the network on several benchmark datasets, including the IMDB WIKI dataset, and report the accuracy and efficiency of the approach. Our results show that pre processing techniques such as normalization and augmentation can significantly improve the accuracy of the VGGFace network for age detection. We also find that some variants of the VGG Face architecture, such as VGG16 and VGG19, perform better than others. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive investigation of the use of VGG Face for age detection, and sheds light on the impact of pre processing techniques and model selection on the performance of the approach. Our findings can help researchers and practitioners to develop more accurate and efficient age detection systems using deep learning

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