Enhanced IoT Based Monitoring System for Comatose Patients

Enhanced IoT Based Monitoring System for Comatose Patients

Publication Date : 2024-04-30
Author(s) :

K. Thivyabrabha, Tharani G, Mowniththa T M, Niroshkumar S, Hariharan R
Conference Name :

International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering and Management (ICMTEM-24)
Abstract :

In order to guarantee prompt and correct assessment of the patients’ health status, this project aims to develop a comprehensive monitoring and warning system designed specifically for coma patients. It does this by integrating a range of physiological markers. In addition to other crucial critical indicators, the device will continuously monitor temperature, heart rate, urine level, finger movement, and blink frequency using non invasive sensors. To ensure prompt responses from caregivers and medical specialists in the event of substantial changes in the patient’s condition, the system will also feature email and phone notifications. The eye blink monitoring module will use computer vision techniques to track and assess neurological activity by recording and analyzing blink frequency. The urine level monitoring system will employ sensors to communicate data in real time and collect information, which will facilitate the early detection of potential issues.

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