Author(s) :
Jereesh R, S.Shijilin Prem Shirold
Conference Name :
International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :
Corrosion of reinforcing steel and other embedded metals is the leading cause of deterioration in concrete. When steel corrodes, the resulting rust occupies a greater volume than the steel. This expansion creates tensile stresses in the concrete, which can eventually cause cracking, delamination, and spalling. General corrosion occurs when most or all of the atoms on the same metal surface are oxidized, damaging the entire surface. There has been increasing search for organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors, due to the toxic behavior of some inhibitors. Green inhibitors are the compounds containing one or more polar groups such as O, N, P, S atoms and π electrons which prevent corrosion on the metal surface. In this experimental project, the inhibitors are added as three proportions of inhibitors while giving coating to the steel bar. Neem powder, Zinc powder, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water were the materials used for this investigation. Considering the mechanical and durability properties, it was found that increase of organic inhibitors gave better strength to the concrete than inorganic inhibitor and reduces the corrosion compared to the conventional concrete. An organic inhibitor coating given to the steel bar increased the bond strength and well behaved in durability testing.