Gas Leakage Detector and Auto Dialing Controller System

Gas Leakage Detector and Auto Dialing Controller System

Publication Date : 2024-11-25
Author(s) :

Rizvana M, Aakash AG, Kirthivasa J, Sree ram MK
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

The Gas Leakage Detector and Auto Dial System is designed to enhance safety by providing an early warning mechanism for detecting hazardous gas leaks in residential and industrial environments. This system utilizes gas sensors to monitor the concentration of gases such as LPG, methane, or carbon monoxide in the air. When gas leakage is detected above a predefined threshold, the system triggers an alarm and automatically initiates a dialer to alert pre configured emergency contacts via phone call or SMS. This real time notification helps to minimize potential risks by ensuring timely action, preventing accidents, and protecting lives and property. The system integrates microcontrollers, GSM modules, and a power supply to ensure reliable, continuous operation and ease of use.

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