Author(s) :
C. Shaji, V. Betcy Thanga Shoba, T. Jemimma, J. Robert Edwin Chester
Conference Name :
7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :
Handwriting character recognition has grown in popularity as a study topic as a result of the rising use of digital technology to store and transmit information in all industries and practically all daily activities. Despite the continued importance of handwriting, individuals still need handwriting copies that can be electronically transmitted and preserved. The ability of a computer to recognise and comprehend legible handwriting input from sources such as touch screens, images, paper documents, and other sources is known as handwriting character recogning. Considering that every person has a unique handwriting style, handwriting characters are nonetheless difficult. The purpose of this essay is to describe the creation of a system for reading handwritten notes from students and lecturers. The creation is built on an artificial neural network, a branch of artificial intelligence research.
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