Author(s) :
K. Purushotham, S. Sharmila, U. V. Govinda Rajulu, S. Hajeera, P. Sai Kumar, N. L. Krishnan
Conference Name :
Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering and Technology
Abstract :
In the current society the security of child and women is a major issue. Today’s media news at least contains one woman rape/attack cases. The main problem is that the victim will be unable to call for help (if it is a rural place). In this system, we create a Smart band by using ARDUINO board to protect women’s from the harassment which acts as brain of the system, because the entire system program instruction stored in it. Here we have heartbeat sensor to know the abnormal condition of women even women can manually trigger the device to notice other that she is at an emergency situation. The GPS module which we use here to know the exact location of the person therefore the location send to respective person and also public service organization to take immediate action against women attacks using RF based wireless module call Wi-Fi Module. The IOT can send message to desired person whom the women want to. The system has Shocking Mechanism for women at the time of emergency to attack back all though we have also used an alarm device to let other know about the emergency situation. This device is a wearable smart band, which can be ware by women. The device could be used for children as a tracking device, thus parents can monitor their children’s location remotely.
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