Revolutionizing Adult Walker Mobility: A Contemporary Upgrade Approach

Revolutionizing Adult Walker Mobility: A Contemporary Upgrade Approach

Publication Date : 2024-04-30
Author(s) :

Dhipa. M, Mohanprasath. B, Pradeep S, Kumaresan S, Villiam David R
Conference Name :

International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering and Management (ICMTEM-24)
Abstract :

A walker is a device which makes easier to get around after surgery or fracture in your foot or leg. A walker allows to keep weight off users feet and legs. It encourages physical activity which helps to maintain muscle strength, balance, and coordination. Walker is one of the helpful device for old age people also. This work presents an innovative walker for adults designed to meet the changing needs of people with mobility impairments. The walker has state of the art features such as an adjustable glucose stand, a foldable seat and an advanced alert system, all connected together via micro and IFTTT tool. The adjustable glucose stand base offers users a unique solution for on the go health management, while the foldable seat adds versatility and comfort during use. The alert system integrated with IFTTT, activated by a simple push button, ensures timely help in emergency situations. This walker for adults represents a leap forward in healthcare innovation and demonstrates the possibilities of IoT and connectivity solutions. At the end, it is recommended to make improvements based on user. The featured points to the intersection of technology and healthcare, offering a promising tool to improve the daily lives of a diverse user base.

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