Skin Cancer Detection Using Clustering and Deep Learning Based Classification

Skin Cancer Detection Using Clustering and Deep Learning Based Classification

Publication Date : 2023-07-13
Author(s) :

Jain Austin A, D. K. Kalaivani
Conference Name :

7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :

In this work, to develop an accurate segmentation and classification of skin lesions, have presented a fuzzy clustering and deep neural network (DNN) in segmentation and classification of skin lesions. The proposed effective segmentation and classification procedure is described as; initially input image is taken from the dermoscopy images database. In the pre processing stage, the input dermoscopy image undergoes Gaussian filter and morphological operations. Then fuzzy clustering is applied to the pre processed images for the segmentation of lesion regions. Subsequently, effective features such as texture features are extracted from the segmented output images. Finally, the proposed DNN classifier classifies the skin lesion images into normal or abnormal images based on the extracted features. The results were analyzed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed segmentation and classification technique with the existing techniques.

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