Smart Lab Log Maintenance System

Smart Lab Log Maintenance System

Publication Date : 2024-11-26
Author(s) :

Sreyas S, Sri Vignesh S, Ukesh B, Venkatesh M, Kalai Vani V
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

The system introduces an efficient approach to maintaining logs in a laboratory environment, focusing on streamlined management of user access and resource usage. Utilizing face recognition technology, it automates the process of entry and exit logging by identifying users and associating them with specific systems in the lab, reducing the reliance on manual record keeping. Cameras track users in real time, capturing entry and exit times which are stored in structured Excel files. The files are organized by system number and essential user details such as “Roll number”, “Name”, “Department”, “Year”, and section are included, ensuring that records are maintained without overwriting past entries . This approach supports secure, accurate logging and enhances overall resource management in educational and research lab contexts.

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