Author(s) :
B. Shanmugasundari, S. Anto Sharlin Biju, C. Swathy, G. Sibi Arokya, K. Muthupriyadharshini
Conference Name :
7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :
An increasing number of vehicles on the roads increases the risk of accidents. This risk almost doubled due to bad visibility as well as road conditions. If an accident happens, especially in bad weather, it is important to inform approaching vehicles about it. In this research, an accident alert light and sound (AALS) system is proposed for auto accident detection and alerts with all types of vehicles. No changes are required in non equipped vehicles (nEVs) and EVs because the system is installed on the road side. The idea behind this research is to make smart roads (SRs) instead of equipping each vehicle with a separate system. Wireless communication is needed only when an accident is detected. This study is based on different sensors that are used to build SRs to detect accidents. Additionally, the proposed framework for the AALS also reduces the risk of MVCs
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