Trustworthy Electronic Voting Using Adjusted Blockchain

Trustworthy Electronic Voting Using Adjusted Blockchain

Publication Date : 2023-07-13
Author(s) :

Elba Rajathi A, Evelyn Tabitha E, Mary Isha D
Conference Name :

7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computer and Communication (ICRICC 23)
Abstract :

E-voting is among the key public sectors that can be disrupted by blockchain technology. The idea in blockchain enabled e-voting (BEV) is simple. To use a digital currency analogy, BEV issues each voter a “wallet” containing a user credential. Each voter gets a single “coin” representing one opportunity to vote. Casting a vote transfers the voter’s coin to a candidate’s wallet. A voter can spend his or her coin only once. However, voters can change their vote before a preset deadline. Here, we argue that blockchains might address two of the most prevalent concerns in voting today: voter access and voter fraud. The idea is as follows. Eligible voters cast a ballot anonymously using a computer or smartphone. BEV employs an encrypted key and tamperproof personal IDs. For example, the mobile e-voting platform of the Boston based startup Voatz employs smart biometrics and real time ID verification. The public ledger ties each cast ballot to an individual voter and establishes a permanent, immutable record. No bad actor can engage in nefarious activities because such activities will be evident on the ledger or corrected by a peer to peer consensus network. To compromise the network, hackers would need to successfully hack most of the blocks (files with transaction records) before new blocks were introduced. The blockchain’s audit trail ensures that no vote has been changed or removed and that no fraudulent and illegitimate votes have been added. Put simply, blockchains enable the creation of tamper proof audit trails for voting. In this article, we highlight some BEV implementations and the approach’s potential benefits and challenges.

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