Urban Glide Two-Seater Smart E-Car: An Innovative Approach to Urban Mobility

Urban Glide Two-Seater Smart E-Car: An Innovative Approach to Urban Mobility

Publication Date : 2024-11-26
Author(s) :

Keerthi Chowdary G, Harini R, Puneeth B, Anura Chiru Pavan G, Sujatha S
Conference Name :

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies (ICRCCT’2K24)
Abstract :

The Two Seater Smart E Car is a compact, electric vehicle designed to address urban transportation challenges such as traffic congestion and environmental pollution. This project integrates cutting edge smart technologies and sustainability principles to create an efficient, eco friendly, and user friendly vehicle optimized for urban environments. This paper presents the design, development, testing, and potential impact of the Two Seater Smart E Car, outlining its role in reducing emissions and promoting shared mobility.

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