Vision Companion AI Mate

Vision Companion AI Mate

Publication Date : 2023-08-07
Author(s) :

G. Marly, Aju S, S. Amu Daria
Conference Name :

International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :

This project acts as an important role in saving life of human beings and which is also its main aim. In order to complete day-to-day activities effectively and efficiently, Technology plays vital role in human life. Especially, Assistive Technology devices support to differently abled people, in order to live their life very comfortably. Realizing the importance of Assistive Technology, this product idea gives comprehensive solution for the blind people and provide them an end to end solution. With the power of embedded systems and advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques applied to the field of computer vision we aim to make a Hat/cap that can help the blind perceive the world around them. VISION COMPANION AI MATE the power of AI to describe people, text and objects. It can tell visually impaired persons, what is around them. The project titled “VISION COMPANION AI MATE “is an android application. This application provides a facility for OCR (Optical Character Recognition- It is also recognized as a text, then it will be converted to a voice message), Object Detection (To detect objects using Tensor Flow Lite for Android), Currency Detection (To detect the currency then it converted to voice) and Color detection (To pick the dominant colour of uploaded image or captured image) .Which are easily accessible to everyone and it is the power of AI to describe people, text and objects

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