Water Quality Monitoring and Alert System for Fish Farms using IoT and SMS Integration

Water Quality Monitoring and Alert System for Fish Farms using IoT and SMS Integration

Publication Date : 2023-08-08
Author(s) :

Flowvy N, Mary Jeya Shiniha A
Conference Name :

The International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management (NGCESl-2023)
Abstract :

This project proposes a water quality monitoring and alert system for fish farms using IoT (Internet of Things) and SMS (Short Message Service) integration. The system aims to ensure optimal conditions for fish growth and health by continuously monitoring important water parameters. IoT devices equipped with water quality sensors are deployed throughout the fish farm to collect real-time data on temperature, pH level, humidity and water level. The collected data is transmitted to a cloud-based platform via an IoT network for processing and analysis. If any parameter exceeds the acceptable limits, the system triggers SMS alerts to fish farm operators, providing timely notifications of potential water quality issues.

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