Author(s) :
J. Jesumanen
Article Name :
An Investigation of the Effects of Using Titanium Dioxide Sludge as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete
Abstract :
In the construction industry concrete is employed as a most significant material which is made up of composite material. Humans are moving towards a situation which involves in facing a shortage in the production of construction products, which will lead to huge exploitation of natural resources at varying stages, as a consequence of the sudden rise in demand for construction products is due to the massive growth in the sector of infrastructure boost-age worldwide at different levels. On the other side, a number of companies produce enormous amounts of sludge, which is frequently dumped as garbage and contributes to the planet’s severe pollution. To identify a different approach or reduce the impact of this issue. A partial replacement of cement by titanium dioxide sludge using M25 grade concrete is discussed in this paper. At various phases, various tests were conducted, and it was determined that the replacement is a very good one in terms of strength and other factors. Waste sludge is used to replace cement by 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively. These tests include compression, tensile and flexural strength tests.
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